The success of our Centre relies on the efforts of our volunteers and the Woodstock Curling Centre takes pride in the work they do. Consider being a part of the team; many hands make light work. Look over each of the Committees and add your name to the list; speak with the Committee Chair or a member of the Board of Directors for further information.

Judy Farlow
Revenue & Grant Writing Committee Chair
The Revenue & Grant Writing Committee meets with the Centre's President to review the Centre's priorities and to assess recent opportunities/grants that have come forward as well as to review the status of projects that stemmed from successful grants. Members of this committee assist with the procurement of grants, grant writing and application, and searching for other revenue streams that suppport the Centre's objectives.

Danielle Walker
Fundraising & Special Events Committee Chair
The Fundraising & Special Events Committee has, at its core, the responsibility of planning and implementing fundraising activities during season (such as the Spring Fling Bonspiel) as well as off-season events (such as the Sticks N' Stones Golf Tournament).

Josh Pegg
Ice Committee Chair
The Ice Committee assists the IceTech with the installation of ice in the Fall (plant start-up) as well as shut-down in the Spring and works with the IceTech throughout the season regarding the preparation and/or maintenance of the ice for all events. The committee also oversees the maintenance of the ice plant and equipment, care and upkeep of the Centre's measuring devices, brooms and stones and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Chair Needed
Facilities Committee Chair
The Facilities Committee oversees the repair and maintenance of the Centre's assets, both inside and outside of the building, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding Capital Expenditures and administers approved Capital Expenditure projects.

Carlos Gregorio
Curling Development Committee Chair
The Curling Development Committee is responsible for designing and implementing training programs geared towards the development of curling for both new and existing curlers. Members of this committee assist in the Learn to Curl Programs, Youth Programs, Rookies Rock as well as running curling clinics for rentals or for existing members.

Phil Hanzel
Advertising & Sponsorship Committee Chair
The Advertising & Sponsorship Committee is responsible for creating and maintaining advertising packages (approved by the Board of Directors) to promote the local businesses in the community and to generate revenue for the Centre. In doing so, this committee solicits local businesses for sponsorship (Bonspiel prizes, ice advertising, wall signs, banners, radio promotions, social media promotions, TV promotions, etc.)

Lindsay Schaeffer
Membership Committee Chair
The Membership Committee is responsible for developing and implementing programs maximizing the retention of current members and the recruiting of new members. Members of this committee are at their busiest prior to the season starting with the Fall Lawn Sign campaign. This committee also assists the Treasurer with following up with members having outstanding dues, maintaining a current map of locker registrations as well as maintaining a current inventory of key fobs issued.
Chair Needed
Drawmaster & Leagues Committee Chair
The Drawmaster & Leagues Committee liaises with the many League Convenors, ensuring that the draws are prepared based on available ice-time and that there is an even distribution of teams across the sheets. The committee ensures that rules, draw times and other related information are distributed to the Webmaster in a timely and accurate manner. The committee also monitors spares to ensure they are conforming with the spares rules.

Alison Pegg
Communications Committee Chair
The Communications Committee is responsible for establishing a continuous community awareness of the Centre through social media and maintaining a regularly updated website. This committee also oversees all forms of communication to the membership.

Carlos Gregorio
Community Outreach Committee Chair
The Community Outreach Committee maintains a continuous community awareness of the Centre and the sport of curling by reaching out to companies, schools and other community groups.